Group Funding
Broadhurst provides funding for groups providing informal support for people living with mental illness in the community.
Only non-profit making voluntary or community organisations may receive grants. This includes registered charities, Community Interest Companies (CICs) and other groups affiliated to a local Council for Voluntary Services (CVS) within the catchment area of the Broadhurst Welcome Home Community Ltd e.g. Rushmoor Voluntary Services.
Applying for Group Funding
We do need to understand the way you run the group and its finances, that is, your governance structure. So we would like to see something about the basic aim of the group, its rules and policies, who runs the group (Management Committee) and who is the leader (Chair) and who can produce financial information (Treasurer). We will need to know about your bank account.
It is important that we understand how your group will benefit the people who come along, so we expect some information about the group, how often it meets, the way it is run and what activities will take place. We need to know who will lead the group sessions and what experience they have in helping people with mental health problems.
Please send this to us in a simple document. If possible include the following as additional information -
A document that shows how your group is run e.g. your Constitution if you have one
Your Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding and Data Protection policies.
Information on what you did last year, e.g. your most recent annual report if you produce one.
· A copy of your most recent yearly accounts (if you have been running for over a year).
You can apply for funding at any time and when we have agreed to fund your group you will receive the funding straight away, which will cover the period of time between the awarding of the grant to the following April.
After that initial application, if you require further funding you will be asked to report on your group’s activities and accounts in January each year, in order to bid for more funding for the year ahead, which will be commence in April if your bid is accepted.
There is no limit on the number of years you can apply for a grant, or on the amount requested, but the amount awarded will be at the discretion of Broadhurst. If the amount awarded is different than that requested we will explain why we have reached that decision.
Groups funded by Broadhurst.
Started in 2012 to offer continuing support to those being discharged from MH services
We are a local community based support group for people with mental health issue. We are a voluntary Non-Profit organisation, not a registered charity
Members have various mental health problems including schizophrenia, OCD, depression, Bi-Polar, anxiety, PTSD.
SUGS meets weekly on a Monday for approximately 3 hours. Each member checks in with the group and has space to explore any issues they are concerned about. Members also share their progress or achievements they have enjoyed.
Members choose monthly trips, which they look forward to and enjoy.
Camberley District Open Mind Association
working aged adult mental health clients
clients mainly have schizophrenia, depression and bi-polar
The Open Mind Club has met since September 1979.
We meet in person in the lounge at St Mary’s Church, Park Road, Camberley, GU15 2SR on Tuesday and Friday mornings and online on Thursday mornings.
Regular indoor activities have been the board game Rummicub, card games, card making, drawing, dominoes, and a discussion group.
We go on an outings to garden centres, picnics and boat trips on the canal, and have a regular Christmas party.