Applying for a small grant
Small Grants are designed to assist an individual with significant mental illness.
What does Broadhurst define as a significant mental illness?
A severe mental illness is one that significantly impairs a persons ability to function normally in society, including their relationships, self care and work related activities.
A person with a severe mental illness would usually have been or currently be in contact with mental health services or their GP for ongoing care.
People with diagnoses of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD including Asberger’s syndrome) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) alone are not included in Broadhurst’s remit, or charitable aims, as these conditions are not mental illnesses, but lifelong conditions. Applications for people with ASD or ADHD with co-existing mental illnesses affecting them significantly will be considered. People with Dementia and Learning Disability are not included.
The purpose of Small Grants is that each award should benefit the mental health of an individual either by aiding recovery (e.g. improving housing or the home environment, enabling a healthier lifestyle, accessing educational or working opportunities) or by preventing deterioration (e.g. through relief of financial or other stress).
Applications may only be made by a person working for a statutory, voluntary or 3rd sector organisation or by a group providing care or support for the individual in need. We will not accept grant applications direct from a client, or from their family members or friends.
When completing the online form, applicants must provide clear information which shows that their client has a significant mental illness (e.g. diagnosis, current issues, involvement with local mental health services etc.) and explains how an award would contribute to recovery or prevent deterioration.
Please note that we will not consider awards relating to either “hoarding” or “pets”.
Financial Matters:
A grant should cover the cost of a specific item or service up to the value of £600.
We ask applicants to consider value for money, including through “basic” ranges
Wherever possible, we prefer to make payment either: a) to the organisation providing care or support (if it is able to make purchases on behalf of a client); or b) to the supplier of the goods/services
If it is necessary for payment to be made to your client in person, we will not normally agree to an award of greater than £50 (unless we are reimbursing them for an expense which has been incurred by them with our prior agreement)
Wherever possible, we will make electronic bank payments
We will not usually award a further grant until at least 12 months after the date of our last award (or at least 2 years if the subsequent grant is for similar assistance)
Geographic Limits:
The client must live in one of the following:
The Borough of Rushmoor
Nearby surrounding areas – no further afield than Ash, Frimley, Tongham and Upper Hale

please apply using ONE of the following buttons
The information contained within this application or subsequently provided in connection with this application will:
Be used by Broadhurst to decide whether a Small Grant may be awarded and, if so, to enable that Small Grant to be processed (e.g. goods to be ordered/delivered) – it will not be used for any other purpose (i.e. not directly related to awarding or processing of Small Grant applications).
Be retained by Broadhurst for a maximum of 3 years – it will not be passed on to any third party (except where this is necessary for a Small Grant to be processed) unless we are required to do so by law or for audit/regulatory purposes.